Subroutine to calculate some clustering statistics of a two-level self_organized_map
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(two_level_self_organizing_map) | :: | kohonen_map |
A |
real(kind=wp), | dimension(:,:,:) | :: | results |
A real array |
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
logical, | public | :: | testop |
subroutine calculate_cluster_measures(kohonen_map,results) !======================================================================================== !! Subroutine to calculate some clustering statistics of a two-level self_organized_map class(two_level_self_organizing_map) :: kohonen_map !! A `two_level_self_organizing_map` object real(kind=wp),dimension(:,:,:) :: results !! A real array logical :: testop ! inquire(unit=kohonen_map%parameters(1)%iout,opened=testop); if(.not. testop) then write(6,*) 'ERROR: the output file is not opened' stop endif ! end subroutine calculate_cluster_measures